Japanese Govt YLP Scholarship open for application

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/TOEFL/TOEFL?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ Japanese Govt YLP Scholarship open for application  2018-09-19
  - Japanese Govt YLP Scholarship open for application  The Sun Daily 【 http://www.thesundaily.my/news/2018/09/19/japanese-govt-ylp-scholarship-open-application 】
◎ Cuộc thi tiếng Anh TOEFL Challenge năm thứ 7 liên tiếp được phát động tại Hà Nội  2018-09-13
  - Cuộc thi tiếng Anh TOEFL Challenge năm thứ 7 liên tiếp được phát động tại Hà Nội  Dân Trí 【 https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc-khuyen-hoc/cuoc-thi-tieng-anh-toefl-challenge-nam-thu-7-lien-tiep-duoc-phat-dong-tai-ha-noi-20180913130720231.htm 】
◎ ETS kowtows to Beijing by posting 'Taiwan, China' on TOEFL site  2018-08-22
  - ETS kowtows to Beijing by posting 'Taiwan, China' on TOEFL site  Taiwan News 【 https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3512135 】
◎ 托福考试官网改称台湾为中国台湾,台湾不满  2018-08-23
  - 托福考试官网改称台湾为中国台湾,台湾不满  美国之音 【 https://www.voachinese.com/a/news-ets-toefl-refers-taiwan-as-taiwan-china-20180823/4540900.html 】
  - 屈服中共压力?托福测验官网也改台湾名  大纪元 (新闻发布) 【 http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/18/8/23/n10660811.htm 】
  - 托福官网改标“中国台湾” 台当局急了:赶紧更正!  The ChinaPress 【 http://www.uschinapress.com/2018/0823/1140829.shtml 】
◎ Persyaratan dan Cara Daftar CPNS 2018 Kementerian PPPA  2018-09-19
  - Persyaratan dan Cara Daftar CPNS 2018 Kementerian PPPA  tirto.id (Siaran Pers) (Blog) 【 https://tirto.id/persyaratan-dan-cara-daftar-cpns-2018-kementerian-pppa-cZXD 】

